Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Snap, here we sit, Post-Labor-Day gazing upon the same burning question that pops up every year.

Should I wear white after Labor Day?

What ARE the rules when you live in South Florida?

Well, who cares? I loathe most rules, so I WILL be wearing white.


Speaking of burning and what to wear makes me think of the cute exercise/dance class attire I have worn in the past.

Crap, I especially miss wearing leg-warmers. Remember THOSE?

Well, I no longer bother with either classes or the cute work-out uniforms. But, let us take a trip down, FEELING-THE-BURN-WHILE-WEARING-CUTE-OUTFITS-LANE, with Jamie Lee Curtis in a film classic. Ah, good times.

That clip may be dated, but xxercise is here to stay and my girl, Britt, just loves to go to Jazzercise Class and wear stylish togs while moving and jivin' to fun music. Go, britt. Uh-huh.

Meanwhile, B, opts for heavy-duty exercising with Spinning (I think this fad is dangerous) and weight lifting this and that. Major. Uh-huh.

Well, you get my point.

Exercise-is-as-exercise does and if you are a fanatic about it, I don't judge you. Hardly. I salute your toned and fabulous muscle-mass-is-is.

My point? And, I do have one.

I am ALL for moving, shaking and getting your muscles whipped into shape. Oh, yes. Shake your groove-thang until you are ripped from top-to-bottom.

So, my point is that if you NEED to wear specific glad-rags and head to a class, groovy.


I manage to get some (I said, SOME) definition running around doing what needs to be done. Yes, I like things to be fairly tidy...go ahead and send me the slant-eye.

However, proven fact...house chores (and everything that entails) will cause one to rack up considerable points in the exercise department. Of course, you don't get to go to a snappy class and mingle with groovier-than-you-types.

Nope. You pretty much slide into some crappy clothes, pull your hair up in an over sized clip, tune in some work music and get on with it...with a Swiffer handle (who needs weights?) in hand.

Now, there is just one little thing I wonder about. How to assign a caloric-burning-number to specific chores.

You know what I mean?

For instance, how many calories do you burn rinsing dried and hardened milk from a cereal bowl ditched in the sink, inches from the dishwasher (note: I don't eat dry cereal, so you see where this is coming from I am certain)? And, dishes in the sink is just the tip of the "Household-Cise" regime. You get the idea.

Whatever, I'm working it-class or no class.

Jack LaLanne, we owe this exercising awareness to you, I think. So, I applaud you, feeling the burn while loading the dishwasher, dusting, cleaning glass tabletops, vacuuming, cooking, doing laundry and any other task at hand.

For good measure and a well-rounded program, when I have completed all the household fun, I jump in the pool. But, as I do laps I almost always notice more chores waiting to be done around the pool area. So, there you go.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.
Read me fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches
Facebook friend me, Indiscreetly Us or Bainbridges Palm Beaches

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