Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Salud, Kids!

La-de-da; it's time to grab your best chapeau and vino and plop yourself down in the recliner and get your Wimbledon on.

Yep, The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club is the home of Wimbledon, the oldest—and most prestigious—tennis tournament in the world. I did say, la-de-da, didn't I?

You heard is tennis time and we need to show our support and sophistication and watch them bat that ball all OV-AH that English lawn.

Hold on, this is Indiscreetly Us, so more in keeping with our style, pop-a-top of something or other and feast your peepers on some REAL skills and no lawn is required.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.

Friend us on, Facebook, Indiscreetly us
Catch, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBook Store!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Ah, bottled water. What a dilemma.

You know the arguments out there. Don't buy bottled water (fill in the reasons yourself, it's Friday and I don't want to bother). Experts claim tap water is perfectly clean and good for ya. Perhaps, but what about the TASTE? Ugh.

As a comprise, I bought one of those Brita water pitchers with a filter. Works fine, but it's not so portable. Yes, I can fill my own water bottle and be on my way, but what about when I'm OUT there? You know what I'm talking. After a long day taking care of business and doing good deeds (I do some here and there) I need fresh water when I hop back into my car. What then? I don't think the local convenient stores sell Brita refills.

See, a dilemma.

Now, I do have a conscience (don't throw that squint-eye my way), so I am keenly aware of my plastic usage. And, even though I recycle like crazy, I feel cutting back on my participation in all things plastic can't be a bad thing.

Imagine my glee (it's not just a show about high school kids with issues) when I stumbled upon a water bottle with a built in filter. Of course, I could be the last to do the Brita-Stumble, but I don't care, I was so pleased.

Yep, personally filtered water at my fingertips. I just gotta find a tap out there in the wilds of the city.

Thank you, Brita.

How 'bout you? Still buying bottled water?

See ya 'round the beachs-real or virtual.

Friend us on Facebook, Indiscreetly Us!
Check out, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, at Barnes & Noble, eBook Store.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Let's just call her...Madame Monarch,
what do you say? Maybe not.

As I mentioned previously, Queen Elizabeth has her stooges (royal ones, I'm sure) doing a Facebook page for her and I'm happy about that as I love to see what's shaking over there in the UK, GB, England, Scotland, Wales and any other place where accents aren't similar to mine.

HRH and all her fab kin are on Facebook and I called her the Queen of England, off-hand. Kids, I was all sorts of wrong, but what else is new? Anyway, British-Brian hit a croquet ball across the pond and it is filled with proper verbiage on all things UK, Great Britain and Queen Elizabeth (all due respect here).

Oh, I used a photo of Queen Victoria today as I adore the history of her, plus I met British-Brian on the Queen Victoria, so it all fits, right? Never mind, let's just move on.

British-Brian sends this post with all his best regards, and if you don't believe that he will send a swarm of his best-bad-bees over to our continent to get ya (he didn't say that, I did as I love to toss in some conjured up drama here and there). Yeah, he is a master keeper of humming and working bees (I know less than nothing about keeping bees), but that's another blog that I promise will come later (if British-Brian is so inclined).

Read on and learn what you need to know, may want to know or may already know...

Contributed By: Brian Wilson
Bath, UK

I hope you do not mind if I clarify the English/British conundrum.

I noticed, like many in the US, used the phrase "Queen of England."

England - Britain? - a bit of history.

•True to type, us Brits can make things complicated.
•Before 1707 there were 4 countries - England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
•The Act of Union in 1707 brought England, Scotland and Wales together as "Great Britain."
•In 1801 the island of Ireland became part of this union and it was called "The United Kingdom."
•in 1921, after the Irish War of Independence, Eire left the UK, leaving Northern Ireland as part of the UK.
•So, Great Britain comprises England, Scotland and Wales.
•The UK comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

I have heard many people from the US - even those in power - to say "England" when they mean GB or the UK.
The Scots and the Welsh can get upset - think of thinking the US as being the "Northern States" and seemingly to forget about the "Confederate States."
So, our Queen is Queen of the UK (actually she is also Queen/Head of State of 15 other Commonwealth countries (these used to be part of our empire).


Thanks, Brian. I may stick will just saying, HRH, and call it a day!

My bigger question in all this is...what do I call Brian? British-Brian? United Kingdom-Brian? Bath-Brian (the town, not the act of bathing), Great Britian-Brian? Red-Sock-Brian? Beekeeper-Brian? Croquet-Brian? All of them? Yeah, that's it.

God Save The Queen!!

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.

Friend us on Facebook, Indiscreetly Us

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Salud, Kids!

You do realize that it's officially summer as I've yammered on about it for a few blogs? You must also realize that with summer comes heat-really warm weather and with heat comes people acting crazy.

Oh, this isn't just an opinion as these two videos will verify that although summer has just stepped inside the seasonal door, the craziness is already in full bloom.

First, we hear that some random 16-year-old nobody ties the marital knot with some barely heard of 51-year-old actor. Oh, her parents are absolutely supportive of this union, so that makes it a-okay. Said random girl is, hold onto your hat, an aspiring performer. Shocker.

This chick? She looks more like 35.

Easier to understand is this 7-year-old kid who hops into his mother's car and drives seven miles. Yeah, he just wanted to see his dad, okay?

The kid was still wearing his pj's when the cops nabbed him. I don't know if they had feet and bunny ears, but I'm picturing it that way.

Even younger is the YouTube sensation, Madison the makeup-guru. Yep, makeup tips from a 5-year-old kid in Texas.

People, please! If you're gonna give me grooming tips, be at least double-digit in age. That's right, I refuse to take tips from anyone younger than 10 and I stand firm on this position.

So, go out there and top these crazy stories and let me know how it works out for ya.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual!

Friend, Indiscreetly Us, on Facebook.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011



The first official day of summer is here and I think we should all waste time on Facebook.

Don't judge me...if it's good enough for the Queen of England, it's good enough for mere mortals like us, right?

The British Monarchy is all over social networking...posting photos and everything.

So, while you're trolling Facebook for old school chums, past loves and loathes, strike up a 'Like' for the Queen, AND don't forget to friend this blog as well Yep, look for Indiscreetly Us and add us as a friend. You never know when you may need us!

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Here we are at not only Monday, but the Eve-of-Summer!

So, around the Palm Beaches it looks a little something like this as the earth spins near the Tropic of Capricorn. Don't ask, just read on.

Clematis for Cuban food.
City Cellar for dining, Continental cuisine style.
City Place for loads of ways to spring yourself right on into Summer.

We honor the Tropic of Capricorn all over the Palm Beaches.

How 'bout you? What will you do to welcome this solstice or on your summer vacay?

Enjoy the last day of Spring and prepare to kick your Summer groove into high gear!

Doesn't matter WHAT you's HOW WELL YOU DO IT!

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.

Friend us on Facebook...Indiscreetly Us!
Salud, Kids!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Salud, Kids!

WELL, WELL, WELL...One if by land, two if by sea, three if you're wearing flip DO NOT CARE about the British!

Kids, British-Brian dropped in on the blog in response to my little flip flop post this morning.


Brian Wilson says...

Your blog seems not to care about us Brits!
You talk of flip flops and going to the beach - we, over here, are suffering from excessive rain!

Please send us some of your sun and good weather!

So, over here we are wearing wellingtons (we call them "wellies" for short).


Brian jests, and anyone who wears bright red socks is a jester-extraordinaire!

So, slide into your best flips and see if they match up to these "Wellies" shown in these photos from British-Brian.

Anglophyles are we!! So much so, I have friended the British Monarchy on Facebook. They post fabulous photos, daily!!

Now, I gotta go and handpaint my flip flops. You know how competitive we Yanks are when it comes to that foggy little island over there.

But, maybe we should go ahead and tell our British-Buddies that we are suffering the reverse here in Florida. We desperately need rain and there are fires popping up all over Florida. There is no paradise, no matter PR folks want you to believe!

BB-send us some of your rain and we'll do our best to send some sunny-sun-sun to you.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.


Salud, Kids!

Well, it's another...DAY!

Yeah, I know we were just talking about Father's Day dropping in on us this Sunday and here we are today staring directly into the simply divine, National Flip Flop day. d
You heard me.

Come on, let your flip flops tickle your toes, tip that Panama Hat at Tropical Smoothie Cafe and grab yourself a freebie. Smoothie that is.

Tropical Smoothie Caféʼs National Flip Flop Day helps generate funds for their national charity partner, Camp Sunshine.

So, sip that drink and learn how they reward you for your generosity and for wearing your flip flops, with a day of FREE SMOOTHIES* each and every year.

While you are at it, check out the great work that Camp Sunshine does.

Now, this special day is really smooth, don't ya think?

Gotta go and find my very best flip flops.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Salud, Kids!

British Brian is back and bringing us a smile, a chuckle or a big-laugh...depends on your sense of humor. Mine is somewhat twisted, so there you go.

Friday-Eve calls for something light 'n airy and Brian...who recently purchased bright red socks (ahem, in my honor)
because he's just that kind of guy, brings the funny!

Okay, those are NOT his legs or socks, but then again...

No matter, read on for the fun jokes from Brian...


"An English teacher wrote these words on the whiteboard: "woman without her man is nothing". The teacher then asked the students to punctuate the words correctly.

The men wrote: "Woman, without her man, is nothing."

The women wrote: "Woman! Without her, man is nothing."


2. Now for those with a literary bent
Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went on a camping trip.
After a good meal and a bottle of wine they lay down for the night, and went to sleep.
Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend awake.
"Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."
Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of stars."
"What does that tell you?" Holmes questioned.
Watson pondered for a minute.
"Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.
Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.
Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.
Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant.
Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.
What does it tell you?"
Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke.
"Watson, you idiot. Someone has stolen our tent."


3. Many jokes start "A man went into a pub...."
A man goes to a bar with his dog- a Labrador
He goes up to the bar and asks for a drink.
The bartender says "You can't bring that dog in here!"
The man, without missing a beat, says "This is my guide dog."
"Oh Sir, " the bartender says, "I'm sorry - here, the first drinks on me."
The man takes his drink and goes to a table near the door.
Another guy walks in the bar with a Chihuahua.

The first man (the one with the Labrador) sees him, stops him and says "You can't bring that dog in here unless you tell him it's a guide dog."
The second man graciously thanks the first man and continues to the bar.
He asks for a drink.
The bartender says "Hey, you can't bring that dog in here!"
The second man replies "This is my guide dog."
The bartender says, "No, I don't think so. They do not have Chihuahua as guide dogs."
The man pauses for a half-second and replies "What?!?! They gave me a Chihuahua?!?"


Love to one and all

Brian Wilson

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Okay, here we are at yet another holiday designed to force people to celebrate together whether they want to or not.

Yes, Father's Day is almost upon us and it seems we just had Mother's Day!

I won't blather on about how I detest these forced days and am of the opinion that we should treat every day, or at least every other day, as special. Nah, I will on to the gifts you kids should be considering for your special father-figure! Something a little bit like this.
I ask you, does it get any better than a remote control/bottle opener? I think not. But, then again...if you have a mother that also serves as the father-figure, get yourself on this one.
Whatever you do for this made-up holiday...have fun and pop a top!!

See ya 'round the beaches!!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Last week this offer popped into my email inbox. I almost deleted it with all my other junk messages, but then I stopped.

Free cheesecake...and that's not bad, but how and why I asked myself silently. Suddenly, the lightbulb (imagine it hovering above my head) went off and I recalled plunking my email address down onto a little postcard thing one evening at the Cheesecake Factory at City Place. Ah, yes.

So, here's the deal I was thinking one slice of free cheesecake worth coughing up my email?

How much personal information am I willing to sacrifice, eamil-wise, for free stuff here and there?

Hm, I don't have an answer for that at this moment, maybe never, but I am mulling it over.

How about you? Let me know, but in the meantime...there is free cheesecake waiting.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual!!

Friday, June 10, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Wine time. Come ON, it's the weekend and Gaz and I will hit wine shops for deals. We love the challenge of a good wine deal. Some of you know this as we have discussed it previously on the blog.

A great deal is this, Malbec from the continuously snowy Northern region of the Andes. Silver Range...snow...get it?
You ready for the price? Around ten dollars for this 100% Malbec! Now try and beat that!

This delicious red is medium-to-full bodied with excellent balance of aromas and flavors of blackberries, cherries and a hint of vanilla.

Recommended pairings are grilled meat (I don't eat red, but you go ahead), BBQ, pasta, grilled vegetables, or pizza.

Kids, forget the great value...this is a lovely wine that I heartily recommend.

What's your best wine deal?

See ya 'round the beaches, real or virtual, both are good.

Facebook Friend, Indiscreetly Us!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Salud, Kids!

This photo seems to sum up how things run in this country. Everyone wants to be the Alpha-whatever and boss people around.

Want to mail a letter in this West Palm building? Well, you can think again because the mail carrier says otherwise. See that artsy scrawl? Classy sign with a friendly message. Why not just add...bitches and be done with it?

Yep, postal peeps can NOT post the mail into the boxes while folks are running in and out trying to mail their overdue bills and stuff. Come ON, people!!

I say...well, never mind what I say...let's just think about delivering our messages personally, like Karla Bonoff.

Wait, where do I go to pay on my Goodyear tires, personally?

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual!


Friend me...Indiscreetly Us.

See ya there!


Salud, Kids!

While shopping with a good friend a few years ago, she only half-jokingly forbade me to purchase a very expensive pair of shoes for a la-de-da event in Dallas. She was encouraging me to be sensible, but I refused to listen and went ahead and got those things.

You know how this story goes, right? The first fifteen minutes at the event I was in ecstasy-those things looked good!

After another fifteen minutes had passed, I was in agony. Did I learn from that experience? Not really. I love buying shoes, so what are a few blisters on the heels and toes, right?

Although I have learned to be more frugal by shopping at DSW as opposed to luxury stores. Ah, I do miss being pampered and having someone carry my packages to the car for me. Shoes get heavy! Oh, the memory of it all.

Now, here's the real rub for me these days. Currently, I do not have a convenient DSW and shopping at their online store just seems strange.

Never one to whine (not THAT much), I have discovered Marshall's shoe department. Don't give me that look-instead take a look at that cute shoe above. Liz Claiborne, $40.00. Can you beat that? Best part? Comfy, comfy, comfy.

This economy has made me evaluate things and while I still buy loads of shoes, I am just being more practical-looking at the value I'm getting.

Personally, I think my little shoe purchase holds up rather nicely when compared to the more expensive, $400.00, one from Bergdorf's. But, that's just me.

Are you being more frugal when buying shoes?

See ya 'round the beaches (virtual or real)!


Salud, Kids!

Loved hearing from Tina from Tampa. Yep, she agrees with me about self-tanning lotions and potions. Loves 'em, and like me, enjoys going on the Target aisle stroll for all sorts of unexpected surprises, product-wise.

Now, I did not hear from Nivea (and let me say I hope they don't block me from emailing them about my blog posts), but a weird thing did happen soon after my post on tanning products. Yes, I am going to say it...I think Sephora is haunting my inbox-I even thought I heard scary music emanating from my computer when I opened my inbox and saw this message.

Coincidence? You decide, but as I adore that place, I will be making a trip to Sephora later today and grab some tanning jazz, just to show my solidarity.

Listen, I don't want them to revoke my points/rewards card.

Now, here's my question do you subscribe and pay attention to the promotional email such as this one? Do they prompt you to action? Are you swayed by the snazzy presentation that pops when you open the email, or do they go directly into trash?

Let me hear it.

See ya 'round the beaches...virtual or real, makes no difference to me.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Salud, Kids!

As you know, Google experienced a few problems several weeks ago and I dashed over to WordPress and cranked out some blogs. Fine, fine-but I missed the comfort of blogger, so I'm back. Yep, just like that bad penny. Incidentally, who knows why a penny is bad? Just wondering.

Not bad are some new (to me) products, so let's yammer about my Target treasureS, what do you say? As I can not hear you through my computer, I am just going to ASSume (you know how THAT saying goes) that you agree.

Take a gander at your skin and ask yourself if it is sun-kissed. No? Forget the damaging rays of the sun (also, forget that I am looking out onto the shimmering rays in the Sunshine State) and grab a bottle of Nivea, Sun-Kissed Radiant Skin-promising a gradual tan.

My fair skin and I eschew the real sun during peak hours, but my cotton-ball colored legs look ridiculous in shorts. Therefore, at certain times of the year I dabble in fakery (don't say I do that all year!).

Perusing the lotions and potions at Target last week I spied Nivea lotion looking all promising and I could not resist, so off I went with the little dear. To be honest it is a fairly decent product, thus far. I have been using it every other day on legs and arms and I see no signs of orange. Yet. The shade of cotton is dimming and I like that. Have you guys tried any of these products? What were the results?

Kids, I have used eye shadow for more years than I am going to tell in this blog, but I believe I have hit upon eye shadow perfection. Well, for dummies at least. Don't even say what you are thinking at that comment.
May I present; L'Oreal, The One Step Sweep! I would prefer to call it what it REALLY is-Eye Shadow Application For Dummies. Seriously, have you seen this stuff? Even the sponge is shaped like an eyelid. Genius!

Here's the deal-you swipe the sponge applicator across the powder, then across your eyelid. Perfect! Every single time. No need to try and figure out where to put the lighter shade and darker shade...they're done it for you!
Take a look at how they have layered the colors. Making up your eyes has reached a new level of sophistication if you ask me. And, why wouldn't you?

Now, if only they would come up with a way for me to apply foundation and blush in one swift flick of the applicator.

Forget Sephora, I gotta go back to Target and see what else is new.

Send me your suggestions.

See ya 'round the beaches.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011



I must insist that you get your silky-tanned bodies to Barnes and Noble and get your fiction on with my little novel.

Listen, I put photo illustrations in it and everything.

So, go ahead and hock that diamond-encrusted Cinderella watch and cough up the $2.99. If you can afford an iPhone, iPad, Nook or Kindle will the absence of a few more coins to your zero bank balance?

See ya 'round the beaches, getting fictioned!