Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Salud, Kids!

As if we didn't have ENOUGH entitlment-types running rampant all over the internet world, now we are gazing upon yet another one designed specifically for celebs of all sorts. I say. Wait, I meant to say, WhoSay. There, I said it!

Apparently, a start-up company is now and has been circling copyrighted wagons around various types of stars and star-studded content; photos, videos and what-have-you.

You have to be invited to this social site and be a MAY-JA celeb (insert MAJOR sarcasm). Oh, I don't blame the famous for jumping on this invitational bandwagon. I appreciate the joy of owning the rights to snaps and vids.

Here's what WhoSay said about WhoSay...

What is WhoSay?
WhoSay is a service that helps artists, athletes and iconic personalities connect with their fans. When you see someone posting via WhoSay, you'll know that it's real, authentic messages, photos and videos coming from your favorite people.

At this time, WhoSay is an invite-only service for the top content creators in the world. As a fan, you may arrive at your favorite artist's, athlete's or personality's WhoSay page by visiting their existing social media sites.


My, my, my. Think I will sit back and take a gander at WHO is entitled to show their junk on WhoSay. I am mildly curious about who is considered worthy (more sarcasm-did you SEE the 'stars' they plucked for the next grand-jete` on DWTS?).

Could this possibly be grand-jete'ing over the SOCIAL NETWORKING SHARK? Hm.

Will we care enough to see what they say on, WhoSay?

Personally, I would rather gaze upon classic, Lionel-Saying You, Saying Me kind of thing.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.
Facebook friend me, Indiscreetly Us
Read me fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBooks!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Today I know how J.K. Rowling feels. Exactly like J. You know about her, right? Richly-rich and then more so. Harry Potter...FOREVER!

Listen, if you put the two of us in a bag and THE most successful fictional writing creature popped out. Well, it would be HER, but that doesn't dampen my spirits in the least. And, I say this after JUST hopping off I95 in a pouring rain. If you know anything about I95 in South Florida, I rest my case because that Interstate could dampen the spirits of Mother Teresa (may she rest peacefully). If you are clueless about that thing, all the better for you.

Besides, today I need to express that I feel just as I did the first time I sold a painting. Ranging in the hundreds of dollars, it went to a collector who pitied me and purchased an original, GazMoolie Gallery, acrylic on canvas. She ended up buying more, so she really did pity me.

Selling a personal creation is something I can not really describe. It's always a thrill, but I will admit that a little part of me gets sad to part with something so personal. As a matter of fact, I regret selling several of the pieces that are probably collecting dust or being nibbled on by mice in a basement somewhere.

Expressing myself with paint has taken a backseat of late to my fictional creations. Again, so personal and then it launches into the world to be read and criticized. It is hard to allow myself to be in that position. However, I love and believe in my book and the characters dwelling within. They are solid. I know them. It is difficult to share them, but I have.

With glee I tell you that dollar-signs from the very first check generated by sales of, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, popped proudly into my checking account this week. Proud am I, no matter the size (it DOESN'T always matter when you are speaking of cashola). At $2.99 a pop, J. K. will be keeping her spot at the top-of-the-richest-beyotch heap. I'm not complaining, quite the opposite.

So, if you are casting your gaze upon this blog today and purchased my fictional novel. THANK YOU, KIDS! I would invite you over for cocktails...but, you'd have to love cheap wine or vodka and I KNOW my blog readers are WAY above that, um, Syrah!


More random ranting today, so let's move on and discuss, briefly, a recent jaunt down to Fort Lauderdale where Gaz and I plopped ourselves all OV-AH the divine, W Botel.

Love everything about that place; from their decadent blueberry muffins to their even more decadent infinity pools. As you can see, I tried to relax.

Gaz and I have trooped the world over (well, the parts we WANT to troop over) and zipping around Florida tasting this and sampling that rates in the top-tier of excellent experiences. You should try it sometime, if you haven't.

So, if you go to Lauderdale (see, when you live in Florida, you call it that), don't miss Pier 66 for great food, people and yacht watching. Oh, don't forget to jump on a water taxi and sight see all along the Intracoastal. It is simply fabulous. Trust me.


Speaking of my fiction thinking...gotta go and contact Tori Spelling. The Bainbridges would be a perfect vehicle for her, Dean and the Guncles; Scout and Bill. See, my HUGE success has gone straight to my head. I'm nothing if not optimistic (don't even say what you are thinking).

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.
Read me fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBooks.
Facebook friend me, Indiscreetly Us.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Think back. Come ON, you can do it.

A few blogs ago I ranted on about that ridiculous lawsuit Louboutin filed to own the color red for the soles on those sky high designer heels. Oh, Lou-Bou lost, and now I am wondering if the face is as red as the bottom of those platforms.

No matter, the idea of owning color got our dear friend and contributor, British Brian on his own little rant and don't we love it?

Yep, we do. I especially love spelling the word coloUr like BB!

Read on before you get your weekend kicked into gear.

One more thing.

BB sent scads of cool artwork (photos) to illustrate his points, but the lamenss that defines this blog means they aren't included (at least I am honest about how I couldn't manipulate them from his document).

Contributed by Brian Wilson
United Kingdom
All rights reserved and copyrighted.


What is red?

Let's get over the color or colour discussion – I’ll say colour – you’ll say color.

A physicist would say that red is the longest wavelength commonly visible to the human eye.

As a textile technologist I knew said that red was a …..(put any expletive here) to dye. (INDISCREETLY US NOTE: Bitch works).
• Red dyes are hard to “fix” on a fabric - all too often the colour runs.
• Do not put light shades next to red.
• I know of a school that chose red blazers with white piping – in a very short time the red piping looked pink – ok for girls, but for us chaps!!!!

Which “Red” do we see?
• Your blog went into detail as to the choice of colour for a fashion house – how they can try to patent a prime colour defies logic.
• They could try to define a shade (colourists use what is called the Pantone range – that defines a specific shade and dye technologists use this to blend dyes together to get a specific shade.

A Pantone Red

• But it all depends on how our eyes “see” things – we “see” things differently when we are tired, in low lighting – and what about those people whose eyes lack a few cones (the bits that register colour)?
• To make matters worse – even if you define a specific shade it’s could will vary with the surface (a woven fabric looks a different shade to that on a flat surface).
• Let’s not forget light (using a standard fluorescent tube gives a different shade to that seen in sunlight)
• If you do not believe me; look at the differences in colour shade when in a shop and then take it outside to be viewed in sunlight – but do not get arrested!

Whichever red you use – it means different things.
Sin, guilt, pain, passion, blood, and anger.
In our western society Red is used as a symbol of guilt, sin, passion and anger, often as connected with blood or sex.
• “Seeing red’ means being very angry.
• “Red flags” mean danger.
• “Red” is linked to communist or left wing politics.
• But hang on – is not red associated with the Republican Party (right-wing) and blue with the Democrats – a reverse of the traditional European scheme? (Can anyone tell me why?) (INDISCREETLY US NOTE: No, we can not...neither can our political types).

“What me eat all the chocolate?”

• "caught red-handed", means either caught in an act of crime or caught with the blood of murder still on one's hands.
• For years “red” has been associated with prostitution (“red light areas).
• Satan is usually coloured red. (INDISCREETLY US NOTE: I know a few satan-types who wear regular street clothes...just sayin')
• Believe it or not; statistics show us that red cars are more likely to be involved in accidents (but bear in mind that many fast cars are coloured red (anyone got a Ferrari?) (INDISCREETLY US NOTE: Why, no we do not have a Ferrari, but plenty of others in the Palm Beaches DO. Damn them!).

My new Car – in my dreams (INDISCREETLY US NOTE: Right there with ya!)

• Now let’s turn to sex – research indicates that men find women, wearing red, more attractive – believe it or not!
• Red is a symbol of courage and sacrifice look at the novel “The Red Badge of courage” about the US Civil War.
• In Christianity Red or purple is the colour of martyr.
• "Red-blooded" refers to someone who is audacious, robust, or virile.

Red is a common Warning Sign.

The world sees “RED” in many different ways.

In China and in many countries of the “Far East” red is associated with weddings (where brides traditionally wear red dresses) and red paper is also frequently used to wrap gifts of money or other things.

If you know members of the Chinese Community you will know that money is often wrapped up in red paper at the Chinese New Year.
But take care – in China obituaries are often written in red (not in black as in our society).

In Japan; Red is a heroic colour.
On the Indian sub-continent red is the colour of wealth, beauty.
In Central Africa, sick people are also painted with red clay (as it symbolises heath).

In many parts of Africa red is a colour of mourning, representing death.
For this reason, the “Red Cross” has changed it’s colours in many areas of Africa.

But to us Brits Red means – London Buses and Telephone boxes.

The royal air force acrobatic team – the “Red Arrows.”

Guardsman ceremonial uniforms (sorry to you “colonists” – the “Red coats.”

From one country to another, who are proud of “The Red White and Blue” – all the best to one and all – our love to you all.

Brian and Mo


See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.
Read me fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBooks.
Join us on Facebook, Indiscreetly Us!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Salud, Kids!

You can't swing a cat (of-nine-tails, thankyouverymuch) without hitting one of my addictions.

Yep, I freely admit there are TONS of 'em beginning with my favorite, chocolate. My list is long and quite varied (said with enthusiasm). Call me what you will (and many have), but I try NOT to be boring, even with my addictions.

So, let me hit this head-on and stop beating around the foaming bush and get to the dirt (you know that's why you are reding this). My Addiction De jour (man, I smile at tossing in some pretentious babble here and there). Anyway,I need to come clean, so-to-speak.

My head is spinning-I am beginning to think I need an intervention or rehab.

You heard me, but don't you DARE judge me. Well, not until you have heard the rest of my sordid confession.

Oh, you can stop with the dramatic images I KNOW you have already conjured up. Yeah, you know the ones!

I am utterly addicted to the bubbly. Come ON, forget drugs (unless Omega Reds count, or the bad juice of potatoes). Yes, I do adore a sip or two of the divine bubbly called, Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin, but that's another blog.But, today I confess something fairly ridiculous.

Therefore, (head held high) my name is, Indiscreetly Us, and I'm a shampoo and conditioner addict. I am utterly fascinated with the bubbly, foaming and smoothing concoctions dwelling inside plastic and glass containers. Love 'em!

I am an equal-opportunity purchaser. I strive to try them ALL. Bumble, Kiehl's, Redken, if they make it-I buy is a bottomless pool of suds.

Others hanging 'round this domicile don't have this problem and are content to buy cheap-ass, all-in-on, Shampoo/Conditioner (Gaz I am casting a squint-eye in your general direction, but not calling names, exactly).

Whew, I already feel like a weightless-weight has been lifted from my wet locks. This intervention stuff really works. Just like celebs who enter Rehab through the front door and exit the back all in one day...I'M ALL BETTER and feel the need to listen to Robert Palmer while scanning magazines for new hair products. I will be sad though, not because of my little problem. While listening to his music, I feel sad that Robert P. is no longer with us. He KNEW about addiction of a lovely, but different sort. Hm. Yes. I am addicted.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.
Read me, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBooks.
Friend Indiscreetly Us on Facebook!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Never turn your back on a small talking (you heard me) Gnome. It turns up in the most unlikely places.

No, really.

Don't even think about trying to get rid of it. You ever see that show, Twilight Zone with the talking doll and Telly Whatever? Well, I did and I KNOW how the story goes. Plus, I simply adore that film, The Full Monty. Remember Gerald's Garden Gnomes? Sweet. Creepy, yet oddly sweet.

I suspect that Brittany has a hand in this scenario. The silly thing invaded the house, the pool and our Sorry game. What's next?

Stay with me for all things...Grubby Gnome!

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.
Read me, fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBooks!
Friend me on Facebook, Indiscreetly Us.


Salud, Kids!

Gad...bargain shopping is a bitch! And speaking of bitches out shopping. Oh, that's another blog I thought about yesterday when I snapped the deli at Greenwise (the ORGANIC Publix). No bargains there, but I DO so love me some Boar's Head cheese and other goodies. The Deli lady was nice as could be. Can't say the say for some snooty types parking their carts all across the front of the deli case. You know the type...just look into the center of the universe...there they will be.

Back to bitchin'-bargain-huntin', it is a fun adventure. You know, like being with that certain friend you may have. If I had any friends, I would want them to be a teeny bit bitchy. Admit it, that type is WAY more fun.

Anyway, today was all about Britt and I searching for paint, sniffin' out good deals on canned chicken and that sort of thing and it went fairly well. Yes, it worked out nicely if you discount how she decided to wear incredibly stylish, sky-high wedge heels (looking fabulous) to Costco and Home Depot. Would I kid ya? She put every flip-flop wearin' hussy to shame. Just toss me in with the hussies, I had on flat sandals.

Looking all kinds of glam, she tried to take a tumble and air-kiss their pristine (insert any level of sarcasm) cement floor near the paint department at THE Depot (there's only one). Naturally, I grabbed for her and was willing to meet her on the floor. I am loyal, if nothing else (don't even).
All drama aside, Kids, I have to admit that as newbies to Costco, we were impressed. Last time there I walked out with two plants, so this was my first time to get down to checking and comparing prices. Well, Britt did all the price checking and documenting. Hey, I can't snap photos AND write.

Oh, they have a leather chaise that I must have and it is only $179.00. For that price, how could I possibly leave it at the store? Britt has promised to figure a way to tie it to the top of the car for transporting. She muttered something about zip-ties and sitting on it, holding on tightly for the ride home. Ought to be just the ticket. Any officer of the law daring to stop us would be so impressed by her footwear they couldn't possibly ticket us.

Will get back to you as we tally up the damage and compare to prices at Publix and their all-natural sistah, Greenwise.

Promise to be honest about where we rank...frugal-wise!

Gotta go, a stylish chaise awaits.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.
Read me, fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBooks!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Sick of seeing anything remotely about the K family. If you don't know what I mean, good for you and do not ask...ANYONE!!

Also, getting weary of weather jockeys swirling and twirling about the possible swirling and twirling of Irene in South Florida or someplace along the Eastern Coast.

No, I'd rather listen to Irene...Cara.


I gotta go grab the water hose, fill some plastic jugs-no, not in case of a hurricane. You kids, it's to splash myself while sitting in a lawn chair. WHAT A FEELING!!

Irene, rocks me like a hurricane!!

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.
Read me, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBooks!


Salud, Kids!

Saw this video and HAD to share. Why? Because some beauty-queen-type takes a major tumble?

Nah. Stuff such as that makes me CRINGE. I put myself in their place and...I can not enjoy such misery.

Evidently, not all gals feel the pain of others angst and this clip is a perfect example.

Not ONE of those beyotches even flinched as that poor walking mannequin did a variation on the splits.

Now, that's just not right. Not right.

Hope they don't expect her to help them with their make-up later on and kudos to her for getting right back up and carrying on.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.
Read me, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBooks!

Friday, August 19, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Man, I simply adore sinking into trivial and pointless conversations. Why not?


FUN AND FUNKY PHRASES...what does this nutty-speak really mean?

This snap of lovely cat-tails is more delightful than other images when the phrase, CAN'T SWING A DEAD CAT, is muttered.

Personally, I pull that phrase out of the bag with regularly. As can't swing one without hitting (fill in the blank). Oh, it is a fave!

Before you drop-a-dime (you know I occasionally toss in some cheap-novel-speak) on me for animal-hate, read on because you won't find a furry-feline in the origin of this dead-cat-dialogue. Still, it does conjure up cruelty of the human kind and that's just not a good thing, now is it?

ORIGIN OF CAN'T SWING A DEAD CAT: This harsh phrase harkens images of feline cruelty. Not about live cats, but the real story is not such a pretty one.

The "cat" referenced is a cat-of-nine-tails, a type of whip used to discipline sailors on old sailing ships. The cat-of-nine-tails has one handle to which is attached nine thin strips of leather, each perhaps three feet long. The cat-of-nine-tails would be used to administer lashings that would sting and leave welts on the recipient.

The whippings would take place on the deck, because below deck there was not enough ceiling height to swing a cat-of-nine-tails.

Get it?

Just seems to me that barking out a phrase like...Can't swing a whipping-whip..just does NOT have the same ring, right?


Another phrase I have heard, forever (and that's a long time)?


Used in a sentence?

Florida is flat-as-a-Flitter.

This partik phrase made for lively conversation while hanging out in Fort Lauderdale recently.

Just 'zactly WHAT is a flitter and why haven't we wondered this before now?

This is where this blog on dumb phrases gets dicey.

No, really.


There are two camps.

One thinks it IS flitter and gives credit (blame) to it being just another Southern charmer.

Now, it gets good because others argue that it is FRITTER. A concoction of friend dough and filling (fruit, seafood, whatever).

We can all agree that there is simply NOTHING more distasteful than a flat fritter.

Fritter, Flitter...flat is flat and cat is cat.

Nutty phrases reign supreme, no matter their origin.

Oh, forget it, time to get this weekend started.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual!
Read me fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches
Barnes & Noble, eStore

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Go ahead and call me a cynic, grouch, grumpy-mumbly...even, curmudgeon. I'm good with those words. They fit, occasionally.

However, there are some words and phrases so overused I wish they would drop into obscurity. Can we simply make them go away? Make them fade far, far away from sight and sound, please.

The word list is long, but topping my list (at least for today)?


Hats off and kudos to the film; etc.

But, I want to kick the bucket of this phrase.


I will agree we should attempt to accomplish things we dream of before we, well, you know.

But, for the love of everything in the champagne bucket, people need to toss this phrase into the scrap heap.

To quote my British mates...BOLLOCKS (a word I can fully support)!!

Now, what other annoying words or phrases need to be ditched?


Let's think on this one.

Yell at me-if any overused words are annoying you.


See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.
Read me, fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, available at Barnes & Noble, eBooks.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Go with me here...I think I may be on some sort of crusade. I'm thinking about it at the very least.

Current events are disturbing, good to be aware and all that jazz, but I can not bring myself to watch or read anything more at this point.

My crusade?

Hm. I am debating with myself, but I think it could have to do with spitting out stuff that is dreamy. Something that takes us away from Nightmare Nuggets on the News.At this juncture, it pains me to hear the harsh reality of the stock market and that is simply the tip of the iceberg.

In a prior blog, I mentioned how in the Great Depression folks ramped up the frivolous.

So, let's get FANTASTICALLY FRIVOLOUS, shall we? Come ON...force yourself. You will feel better. Maybe. I take no responsibility for THAT.

But, do tell me (you can do this one will know who you are, trust me) in the comment section following the blog, your favorite way to avoid the crushing negativity all around us.

What helps make you smile or grin or turn up the corners of your tight-lipped grimace?

#Special food?
#Punching something (an inflated bag, I would hope)?
#Something wild and crazy (the crazier, the better)

Now, pull yourselves out of the blog-shadows and cough it up.

Or, do I have to phrase it like Facebook?


What's on your this time (see, I just have to be different).

Get to the comments and let it rip. Yes, the word comment is there, perhaps a little difficult to see, but look hard and you will see comment-run your cursor around and it will show up.

Can you be in my FANTASTICALLY FRIVOLOUS CRUSADE with me or is it just too damned hard to let yourself go there?

If you don't wanna crusade, fine.

Suit yourself.

Enjoy watching and reading about all that is wrong.

If you wanna be a crusader with me...

See ya in the COMMENTS, people!!


Salud, Kids!

Here we sit, gazing into weekend-eve.

Sitting in the morning bliss that is South Florida, I fan myself and cast my coffee-awakened eyes (hat-tip to Keurig) upon a column in the local newspaper. Yeah, I still do that sort of thing. See, I actually like the feel of ink upon my fingers instead of computer keys.

Anyway, some columnist was blathering on about how she just tapped her fingers into the wide-world of Facebook. Honestly, I had to scan her words because I wasn't really enthralled to read her rave about what I have known for years.

Facebook and Twitter and what-have-you simply take us back to a class-system or popularity contest. There's a snobbish element hovering all around FB and Twitter.

Is it just me or has this ridiculous social networking shenanigans taken us backwards? I say that because it seems some folks are constantly reaching for that maximum number of friends, etc.

Of course, I don't know which is worse. Those of us using social networking or those who refuse to use it...not because they have valid reasons...because they want to brag that they snub Zucker-Boy and his little invention.

A few years ago a person told me they didn't "do" MySpace, with a rather superior air that gave me the impression I was being judged harshly for doing so. I thought to myself that I would have given it up as well except my child lived almost two-thousand miles away and MS was a great communciation tool. Oh, their grown kid? Practically lived in the same house. Yeah, different situation altogether.

Kids, who could shy away from a vehicle providing instant status? Not this idiot.

Facebook freely and unashamedly gives us status. Says so right on your Wall, right? I like that I can be given something so important in such a casual fashion. I click onto FB and I have status. Awesome.

Also, I like that a computer wants to know...what's on my mind. Makes me feel all loved and stuff.

Granted, some take this entire FB-biz much too seriously. Me? Not so much. Want to be my friend? Great. Don't want to be my friend? Fine.

Know what?

I think I read somewhere that Facebook has peaked and in a downward spiraL.

That poor columnist. Let's don't tell her. I can just imagine how pleased she must be to know she has STATUS. If anyone cares or not.

Gotta go and stare at my ceiling fan and think of something to write on FB. There is a lot of pressure to keep up...when you have STATUS!

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.
Read me fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBooks.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Perhaps it is just me, but I think the entire world is losing a grip on reality.

Well, maybe it is not just me.

Read on...

In all the turmoil of the world, I suppose you heard how Christian Louboutin sued Yves St. Laurent over the color red. Yep, that shoe joint wanted exclusive use of the color, rouge. Rojo. RED!
Yes, yes...Chrissy Lou is famous for those colorful soles slapped onto the bottom of those ridiculously priced shoes. Yes, yes...they are fabulous. Agreed.

Isn't the desire to block another shoe maker from using a specific color absurd? Very, very, I say.

It just strikes me as a bit (or a lot) elitist to get legal because you think you have the privilege of owning a color. A color! And, for the sole of a shoe.

Feeling the need to research this entire, sole-of-the-shoe, biz; I inventoried some of my own pedi-covers. Know what I discovered? Not much. Quite boring to be honest. Designers don't put much color-flavor under our toes as they stick to neutrals for the most part. A little flair tossed here and there, but it is rare.

About the most interesting among my personal collection were the Kenneth Cole, Reaction, solid-brown-rubber, sandals. Perhaps they should consider trying to OWN brown. Nah, that is just too freaking boring to even consider. They should go for yellow or blue for an exotic flair.

Again, aren't there larger issues such as world-hunger and war to be met and mastered?

Chris Lou-Bou, should just get over his sole and put his soul into something with more meaning.

Red is simply, well, red (ask the pop group of the same moniker).

Come ON...can't we all just get along...shoe-designer-wise?

Probably not.

I'd rather listen to the group, Simply Red, than read another word about Christian Louboutin's (let's just call him, C-Lou)attempt to own, RED!

You CAN NOT own a color, I don't care how expensive your flippin' shoes are.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.
Read me fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBooks.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Salud, Kids!

As the earth spins and twirls on its axis without a care, gravity pulls at us and things are getting out-of-hand this warm and humid, August.

London is rioting, the stock market is plunging, a heat-wave has gripped half of the United States...yeah, it's getting OUT-OF-CONTROL. Idiot celebrities, real and faux, keep pulling dumb stunts (too many to name, but I know you read about them in the gossip blogs just like I do, don't kid me).

But, let's not talk about all that serious jazz, what do you say? Let's just kick back and roll with it (thank you, Steve Winwood).

The way I hear it, during the REALLY Great Depression, movies became more frivolous and extravagant. Why? Because folks didn't want to plunk down cold cash to see what they were living in real life.

So, let us take a page from history and those zany kids of a depression we don't even want to think about and soothe ourselves with, oh, 200 cigarettes.


Don't go throwing me the squint-eye.

You thought I meant the real ones?

People. Please!


It's fun and full of zany people (just like I like).

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.

Read me fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBooks.


Friday, August 5, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Moments ago I scanned my email inbox and trashed approximately half the contents without even opening the messages. I had not even the slightest interest in their contents.



Most of 'em were coupons or special offers from a variety of avenues. Oh, yeah. I mean I receive junk mail from the entire range of retail outlets. High-end, low-end and everything in the middle of the pack.

Each day, I have the opportunity to see what I am missing at Bergdorf's, DSW, JCPenney, Neiman's, Michael's, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Target, Lowe's (you heard me),
Horchow, Cheesecake Factory...well, it is endless. A giant black-hole of retail sales and bargains.

Endless, but it is of my own making. I hand out my email address with abandon. Of course, I hand out a variety of email addresses (and, who doesn't, right?) to merchants and places clamoring for my credit card.

We've discussed coupons and bargains in many past posts, but being inundated with email offers just seems to be growing by leaps-and-bounds. Make a purchase, get on their list (I'm telling you I did NOT give all these people my contact info, I swear).

Even with multiple email addresses, why don't I simply unsubscribe to these nit-wit couponing offers and discounts? Fear of missing the deal of the century (this phrase was spoken to me at Michael's' this week)? Go on, be jealous because the crafting store (I am NO crafter) staffer blurted out that I got the deal of the century! Call me a curmudgeon, but I don't consider a slightly discounted fake plant exactly that. Perhaps if she had tossed in some custom framing, okay.

But, back to my quandary. Why allow my email to be flooded with junk I have no intention of acting upon? Ever.

While I ponder my own situation, I also wonder if email advertising/promotion works well for retailers. It must, they seem to pour loads of resources into this type of marketing.

These folks are cagey as Barnum & Bailey. They reel us (well, me) in by giving us little monikers like...Premium Status, InCircle (well, I do love that one), VIP and anything else that sounds high-falutin'.

I think I must admit to being a sucker, but do you kids allow this stuff into your email? And, more importantly, do you act upon these offers? Does it happen with regularity? I'm just curious about the whole business.

For today, I reach no resolution, but I have deleted myself from the distribution list of some. Some. I'm easing myself out gently.

After all, next time it really COULD be the deal-of-the-century. You just never know what could be dropped into your email inbox.

Gotta go, looks like Sephora has something really special going on just for me because I AM a VIB.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual!
Read me fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBooks.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Salud, Kids,

You know one of the interesting things about doing a blog is the reaction you get or the lack of same, but that's another post.

My recent rant, okay it was a bitch-fest, to begin a campaign for, well, just being nice brings us this endorsement from British-Brian.

Dare we say it? It's all about...manners, if you need to get all technical.

Contributed by, Brian Wilson
United Kingdom
All rights reserved and copyrighted.

Some thoughts on your "free me from" list.

I know it does not sound British - but here's a "high five" for your comments - let's hope you can get a campaign going here.

I may sound like a grumbling old man, but: -

What about children who run around supermarkets (usually screaming their heads off).
Then, to cap it all, if you are holding a shopping basket and the child runs into it, hurting itself - the parents blames you!

Now, let's turn to those who walk more than 2 a breast along a footpath (sorry; sidewalk!).

Just look straight at them and with your body language make it clear you are not going to move.

I find that a well meant. "thank you," when they move over, can be much appreciated.

But. oh my - what about bicycles?

In the UK you are not allowed to ride your bike on the pavement/sidewalk.
So, when I a cyclist riding on the pavement ands there are lots of pedestrians, I simply ask them to ride on the road.

I still open doors for others coming through - especially if they are laden down with lots of items - especially ladies of any age.

But, I have been berated by some females who claim I only do this "cause they are female and I'm being sexist" - I respond by saying "OH no it is not because you are a lady, it is because I'm a gentlemen!!"

However, there are so many people who must have servants at home - for when you hold a door open, they glide through without any word!!

The best response here is to say, in a loud voice, "THANK YOU" in their direction - it is amazing what guilty looks they return.

What does all this boil down to - "Good Manners."

We live in a crowded society, so we need 'rules" so we can live so close together.

Thinking of others.
Appreciating what others do.
Just having good manners.

It all starts in the home and the family.
Schools should underpin these attitudes - but all to often they do not.

However - do not assume things were better "when I was a child."
Many years ago - in 1964 when i was at University, we went to a conference about "youth."

Speaker after speaker came out with usual moans about the young - you know, sex, etc.
We were getting a bit 'brassed off" until one speaker started let me read you the outcomes of some research I have just come across. The youth of today have low morals, are too noisy, do not respect their parents, etc, etc.

The speaker then asked for a vote of hands as to how many people agreed with this.
Nearly every hand went up.

Then the speaker said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, this was research carried out in 1922 - they were talking about you!!!!"

We cheered - the rest of the audience were stunned into silence!

Love to all.

Brian Wilson


Kids, I am now officially referring to all sidewalks as footpaths! Oh, yeah.

Gotta hit Facebook and start a page with what sort of name? Be Nice or Go Away (that's nice, huh?), Be Nice You Rude-Ass? Well, it needs some work.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.

Read me fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, available at Barnes & Noble, eBooks.