Board games. Remember them? Really? When was the last time YOU played an old-fashioned board game?
While playing a rousing game of Yahtzee with my companions the other evening, we discussed board games and how super fun they can be and how they have seemingly gone the way of the Pet Rock. Remember that idiotic fad? Yeah, I do.
Now, I find no shame in admitting to a few guilty computer game pleasures such as, Gardens of Time. Have you tried any of them? Will you admit it if you have?
Even though I click and zip finding the hidden objects in GOT (you see how I am a hot-shot, level 36 in Gardens of Time), the real-deal board game can not be replaced. You sit around a table, drinks and snacks nearby and fuss and fume with your companions over who is cheating and such. I mean you must accuse someone of cheating or it isn't a full-fledged, down-n-dirty board game.
You know, there is simply nothing like the sound those silly dice make when they are shaken around inside the Yahtzee cup. Brings back memories of playing this game with my Mother. We only did the top half of the score card-we could not be bothered with all that Full House, Small Straight, Large Straight business. Nah, we kept it simple and fun. It still is fun and around here we DO the ENTIRE score board. How 'bout them apples?
Let me know if you've cracked one open lately. A board game that is.
Kids, this sign outside a Bank of America caught my eye. Those bean-counters are constantly thinking of ways to keep the green-in-their-green and they need our help. Green is green-inside and outside in these parts.
This time they aren't warning off your pping dog. Nope, this is pointed directly at YOU and your personal dogs. The ones with toes (some with polished nails), attached to your unshaven (I'm assuming here) legs. Keep 'em off their lovely grass or they will deduct an interest point from your already low-paying money market account.
Oh, I'm sure somewhere nearby is another sign with a bright yellow smiley-face that says, "Have a great day."
Yeah, you too, BofA!
See ya 'round the beaches-real of virtual.
Read me, fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches, Barnes & Noble, eBooks!
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