Monday, April 25, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Yep, we can hear those wedding bells all the way across the pond.

Wait, maybe it's from the church across the street. I will have to get back to you!

Bells or no, it is the biggest of big weeks for Diana's first born and his lady.

However, British Brian and Mo have generously offered to share their views of all things, Really BIG-HUGE-GIGANTIC-ROYALLY/ROYAL wedding.

All you get today is a snippet.

Oh, before we get to all things snippet, have a look at BriMo's (just think of Brangelina and you will get that reference) lovely garden area at their home in, Bath (BAAAATH/BATH you decide for yourself).
Who cares about a wedding, I want to be sitting there, having tea and that cake thing that goes with it.

Yep, Gaz and I may have to row over for a little visit.

Have I mentioned...I ADORE, England.

One more thing. You kids on Facebook?

I know it's lame, but I'm there trying not to get into trouble like that British lad who got bounced from being a royal wedding guard. Not such a big week for this chap (I know). His Facebook rant against the fair, Kate, seemed harmless enough to me. He's only eighteen, and that is exactly what his raving sounded like.

Basically, he was pissed that Kate high-hatted him. Boo-Hoo. He'll grow up and figure out how this went royally awry for him.

Now, the snippet:

By, Brian Wilson
United Kingdom

Now, about the "Big Day"
Well, things are hotting up over here - not only our weather (28 Centigrade yesterday) but, as usual with us Brits, we are leaving things to the last moment.


Stay with us. More to come from BriMo (just go with it).

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