Thursday, April 21, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Listen, it is time to get things semi-rolling, Royal Wedding Style! The dress, the hats, the guests...I am already exhausted, but I will press on with all possible dispatch.

Kids, you don't have to go to the major networks, I mean why would you when you can get grassroots coverage-right here?

Already in the queue? Views from across the pond by none other than, British Brian and my own indiscreet perspective. It is all about the pomp-and-circumstance, and if you want pomp, you know to stay right here! Uh-huh.

Today, I just want to rant on the hat issue. Why in the name of bangers and clotted cream (I know they don't go together) don't we Yanks (just go with it) wear flipping hot hats like those stylish and styling, Brits? Damn. And, damn.

I love 'em and am jealous to the core when I see the out-of-this-world chapeaus routinely worn all over the United Kingdom, and not just on Kate and the Queen.

Lilly Dache, I need you.

Tossing the hats aside, let's focus on dresses. Although we are all curious-as-cats about how Kate will look as she sashays through that historical Abbey, here in the US it is also Prom time.

You know, high school kids grooving and moving in their finest for one zany evening they will never forget, but probably wish they could. It is supposed to be funky and silly, not truly glam and expensive.

However, there are recent reports that some young teens, inspired by those ridiculous Kardashian celebu-idiots, are being allowed to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on their Prom attire. Yep, they want to be like these nit-wits for one night...or that's what they are saying.

Can we start a movement to make the Kardashians just fade away? Please?

I don't wish them ill, I just wish them into obscurity.

In honor of how Prom dresses SHOULD look, I have posted the most ridiculous looking dress I could find. Come ON, if the dress isn't truly just ain't Prom!


Speaking of the Kardashians, and I will try not to do it again anytime soon, makes my brain want to scream, so I offer up this snap of a smart lady I just met in Tampa/St. Petersburg.

Tip your hat to, Isabelle. She is from the fabulous San Francisco area and please note she is reading a real book. She's not texting or cell-phone-shouting, just sitting there reading a book.

She inspired me and while we chatted I discovered her daughter was in Tampa to appear on the Home Shopping Network to offer up her invention called, Veggie Bed.

Hear that Kardashians? People being real and contributing something worthy to the universe.

Now, if only Isabelle had been wearing a fabulous hat, it would have been a perfect world for me!

Stay with don't want to miss a single thing from British Brian!

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