I have just escaped the laundry room where I have been making small inroads with the ridiculous amount of clothing I took aboard the Queen Victoria for eleven days. Oh, the bag came back from the dry cleaners today bearing even more clothes. They are much faster than I, but then they ARE the professionals, so don't you dare judge my wash/dry skills!
Leaving chores behind let me get back to the Queen Victoria. We met some fab folks while flitting from one spot to another and I want to recognize the evening dining companions assigned to our table, but more about them later.
No, today let's gab about how I am pretty certain our assigned table folks had a little word with the Captain and coerced him into extending an invitation for us to dine at his table one evening. There can be no other explanation for it. Those unfortunate kids who drew our names as breaking-bread companions needed a break from our zany selves and who can blame 'em?
Of course, there could be another reason for the invite. Check out the photo below where I offer directional assistance to the Captain and his crew from our stateroom terrace. A pointing finger is the best navigational device ever invented, don't ya think? Pretty sure El Cap agreed and HAD to spend time with true sea-farers such as the two of us.
Agreed, I may be less than perfect when it comes to High Tea, but I make a fantastic addition to the Queen Victoria crew. You just can not go wrong when you point a navigational finger while wearing an enormous hat!