Monday, January 30, 2012


Salud, Kids!

SAG Awards were last night and Clooney lost to that French guy from, The Artist!

If you saw a prior blog post you know I don't think ANY of the nominees can touch a glorious hair on the head of, Cary Grant.

Now, we still have to endure the Oscars (and the ridiculous interviews on the Red Carpet...wish they would present the carpet celeb-stroll like, The Artist...SILENT-with music.), so Clooney COULD bring it all home, but I doubt if he will. We saw his little movie, The Descendants, and it was good. And, excruciating. So, if he wins; he wins.

British Brian chimes in with his 'Two Pounds' on Cary Grant and the fabulous Hitch (cock, of course).

Yes, Hitchcock movies are in my library and I am a huge fan of most of his tales. His later flicks just got gory and weird (not in a particularly fun way).

The Civil War aside, I think we can all assure Bri that we are, indeed, Yanks-when it comes to a point of reference for the UK.

So, read on...


Submitted by Brian Wilson
Bath, UK
All rights reserved and copyrighted

Cary Grant - Alfred Hitchcock - like so many Brits, they had to cross the pond to "make their fortune."

Now,. we look forward to the you folks from USland coming over here

Cary was born, Archibald Alexander Leach (IU NOTE: Forgive that I will ALWAYS think of both Cary AND John Cleese when it comes to this name...if you don't know why, just move on), in 1904 in Bristol, England (we only live a few miles away from Bristol) - so he was a Brit - well English actually.

Horfield, Bristol BS7. Birthplace of Archie Leach better known as Cary Grant.

He was an only child (IU NOTE: We like only children) and had an unhappy start in life.

His mother lost a child and went into a clinical depression.

When Archibald was only 9 years old, his father placed her in a mental institution and told Archibald that she had gone away on a long holiday.
What a xxxxxxxx of a father (IU NOTE: agreed) - just think of the effect on a little 9 year old.

To make matters worse when Archibald was 10, his father abandoned him after remarrying and having a baby with his young new wife.

His father must have been such a nice man - I think not!!

Archibald believed this story; only finding out the truth in 1935 when he was 31!!

How would you feel if it was you?

One can only guess at the effect on Cary.

As Cary Grant he immediately came back to Bristol and sought out his mother - who was still alive in a mental care facility!

Just try to imagine the mixture of emotions that must have coursed through his mind.

Even though he had a very disturbed early life, Archibald was no academic slouch - he passed his scholarship exam to attend a Grammar School, but was expelled in 1918 (aged 14) - I wonder why?

At the age of 11 children took a special exam (the 11+) and, if you passed; you had a place.

But, only 35 to 45 % passed and studied what we would call today a very academic series of subjects - the majority had to go to a Secondary Modern School and studied technology and practical subjects.

Today our schools are Comprehensive - they enrol students of all skill and attainment levels.

There is some debate as to which system is best - but, as Mo and I can confirm (we both passed the 11+) the old system enabled bright students, from poor backgrounds, to get as top flight education.

I was even more lucky - I got a scholarship to attend a boarding school - one where you lived at the school - shades of Hogwarts eh!!

Back to litte Archibald. He joined an English travelling troupe of player, even performing as a stilt walker!!.

Archie Leach (Cary Grant) with the Bob Pender troupe (sitting, far right).

Aged 16 he crossed the pond, with the Troupe to New York in 1920 for a two year tour.

But, when they returned Archibald decided to stay.

Our loss - your gain.

What's your favourite (sorry favorite) Cary Grant film (IU NOTE: See photo for answer to that question, and NEVER apologize for using English spelling, etc.) - for me it is North by North West - directed by yet another Brit - Alfred Hitchcock!!

It's behind you!!!

The fantastic last reel.

During the World War 2 Cary was devastated when he was told that his family home had been destroyed during the bombing of Bristol and that his whole family (uncle, aunt, cousin and their families) were killed as well.
So much sorrow in his life.

There are so many books about Cary, but suffice to say that, after working under his own name, when Hollywood called he decided to change his name to Cart Grant and became a US citizen. He was known for his transactlantic accent, debonair demeanour and "dashing good looks". Pam - does this describe me (IU NOTE: Absolutely)??!!! (only kidding).

Although Grant was only 62 when he retired from the screen, he remained active in other areas.

In the late 1960s, he accepted a position on the board of directors at Fabergé and later joined the boards of The Academy of Magical Arts, Western Airlines and MGM amongst others.

He died on November 29, 1986 at the age of 82 (IU NOTE: Sadness. Just sadness).

A Statue was erected in memory of Cary in Bristol - the town of his birth and childhood.

See there are so many links between us (IU NOTE: We are happy about this).

Long may it reign - sorry is that OK when speaking to a citizen of a Republic? - Sorry for the daft English joke (IU NOTE: Yes, it is very okay and don't apologize...we adore English jokes).

Finally - if we are called "Brits" what do we call you over there in USland?
I understand that "Yankee" means people who supported the North in the Civil War - Americans could mean people from both North and South America - or do folks over in Florida want to be called "Floridians"?

Anyone got any ideas?

Love to all - Brian and Mo

Brian Wilson -
P.S. Like to try Croquet this winter?
When: - Every Monday, Thursday and Saturday from 1.00 to 4.00pm.
What is the cost?: - £3/session.
What is needed?: - No booking or equipment required - just flat shoes and warm clothes.
Where do I go?: - Camerton and Peasedown Croquet Club, Redpost Ground on Whitebrook Lane, opposite Red Post Inn, Peasedown St John, Bath. BA2 8JH

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brian and Mo! Remember me?? It's Gaz!

    It is true a Yankee is generally a resident of the Northern states, but as a country, you hear us referred to as "Yanks." And "Americans" just about always refers to North Americans. South America is also called Latin America, and residents there frequently are called Latins.

    Moolie and I are transplanted Texans and now proud Floridians. But as that famous Brit Will Shakespeare said, "What's in a name?" Right?
