Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Salud, Kids!

We are MONTHS away from the real-deal election, but are enduring the primary what-have-yous (narrowing the field, if you will).

Ghashing teeth is what we are doing, basically, because all candidates have the charisma of a limp dollar bill (no, the bill has more).

Florida Republicans cast their shiny ballots yesterday and Gritt Mitty (totally made that up, because they are ALL SO BORING) trounced FIG NEWTON (see, now he's not so boring, right?)

Anyhoo, British Brian (he wants to learn more about our system, but that is impossible because no one REALLY gets the primary shenanigans, the electoral college or WHY WE CAN'T ELECT A WOMAN (like a female could do worse around here?) pops in, so read on...


Contributed by Brian Wilson
Bath, UK
All Rights Reserved and Copyrighted

We read that Florida Republicans is the latest to be casting their votes for their candidate in the Presidential elections.

Now, I know something about your system (IU NOTE: good to know someone does) - but I would like to learn more (IU NOTE: so would we)

Us Brits do like the cut and thrust of political debate - and the chance to question your local politician is one that many people do not want to miss (IU NOTE: wish we had this passion).

At election time prospective Members of Parliament travel around their constituency giving speeches and shaking hands, etc.

Until recently most political meetings were open to one and all - and this gave people a chance to "heckle" a candidate.

Heckling (IU NOTE: sounds good to us)could be asking a question or shouting out a comment during a speech to show the weakness of an argument.

We like to put our politicians to the test (IU NOTE: bravo) - especially those who have delusions of grandeur (IU NOTE: all of the U.S. candidates have this), or those who tell us what to do and then do not do the same in their own lives (IU NOTE: ditto prior comment).

Unfortunately during Mr Blair's tenure as Prime Minister, he developed a more "presidential" manner (IU NOTE: sorry to hear) - only invited guests came to meetings and these would only be the party faithful.

This did not go down very well with the general populous(IU NOTE: the real movers 'n shakers) - us Brits do not like our MP's to get ideas "above their station"- we like them to remember that they are OUR representatives.

Anyway, here are some examples of UK heckling and political "banter."

In the 1960's Harold Wilson was one of our Prime Ministers.
It was a hard time - unemployment was rising (so what's new?).
Harold Wilson was walking down a street greeting well wishers etc, when "wham" he was hit by an egg!!
The Police arrested the egg thrower - but, quick as a flash Harold said "let him alone. You see everyone, only under a Labour government can people afford to throw eggs!!"
Everyone laughed and he got lots of press coverage (IU NOTE: lovin' this).

But, us Brits do not have to say anything to heckle.
When Tony Blair was Prime minister at the time of the launch of the Iraq invasion (which many people did not support) he was invited to speak at the Annual Conference of the Women's Institute (largest voluntary organisation for women in the UK, with 210,000 members - an organisation that any politician does not want to upset).

The invitation was for a non - political speech, one that reflected the debates at the WI Conference.

The Women's Institute has a rule that there is no heckling of invited speakers.
But, he started to give a political speech - against all the rules of the conference - and he was heard in absolute silence.

Even when he tried to make a joke there was no response.

Then the audience started a slow hand clap.
If you look at the videos of the speech you can see that Mr. Blair was almost panicking - certainly he was seating.

There is nothing so scary as standing in front of women who are silent - us men know the panic that such a non-reposne can engender.

Our politics are substantially more robust than yours - I'm not saying it is better -just different (IU NOTE: couldn't be worse).

But, now and again there comes from US politics some remarkable "put-downs" that makes the recipient squirm.

Can you remember in the 1988 Vice Presidential debate between Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle?

Dan Quayle said " I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency. I will be prepared to deal with the people in the Bush administration, if that unfortunate event would ever occur."

Lloyd Bentsen replied "Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy, I knew Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy."(Prolonged shouts and applause.)

Ouch!! - and Senator Bentsen looked like a quiet and retiring man (IU NOTE; it's always the quiet ones).

This retort has gone down in history - it is a phrase that many still remember.

So good luck to you all over in Florida - both us over here and you folks over there have had to fight and struggle for the vote - so make sure you use it (IU NOTE: of this, I am a fanatic about NOT vote is a crime against our heritage).

All the best - Brian and Mo.

See ya 'round the beaches-real or virtual.
Visit our blog, Reggie's Rant 'n Rave,!!

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